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I Fill my Own Cup First

My natural instict is to help others – to reach out and see what I can do to enhance and enrich their lives.

I see this as a key part of who I am, and I pride myself on the say in which I aid and assist those around me. I fill their lives with meaning, purpose and joy.

I also understand that in order to help others, I must fill my own cup first.

I need to ensure that my soul is full.

If I don’t take the time to fill my soul and meet my own needs, I am putting myself at a disadvantage. I am unable to give to others if my own soul is not full.

There may have been a time when I perceived this as selfishness and insisted on helping others before myself. I embrace the misconceptions I had in the past, and I let them go with love.

I acknowledge the incredible importance of filling my own cup firt. I take the time for self-care to soothe and feed my soul, and to care for and protect my body.

I take the time I need to care for and protect myself.

Today, I take time to fill my cup. I see that I can only be useful to those around me when I have all I need, and so I take the time to ensure that my own needs are met.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I make sure own cup is filled before helping others?
  2. What steps can I take to make sure I have all I need?
  3. Do I tend to put the needs of others before my own?